Farming phases, levels, and pools

The number of BBR obtained by users participating in farming is determined by the number of staked BNB and lock-up duration. Users can participate in staking, unstake their tokens, and withdraw the BBR to the wallets at any time. When unstaking BNB, users need to take into consideration a 10% tax, which will serve as a reward for the development team and to provide funds to hold marketing campaigns and to cover website technical costs. Unstaking LP tokens does not entail charging any taxes.

Regular Farming in BNB Staking Pool:
 Users can participate in staking, add BNB to their stake, release their staked BNB, and claim the BBR tokens at any time. The number of BBR tokens that will be minted through regular farming is 28 000 000 BBR. The farming process is divided into 7 levels where the allotted number of tokens decreases with each level. Each level also determines the BBR farming reward. The difficulty of farming increases with each level, accordingly to the farming table:

Meaning, at Level 1, users will receive 0.093 BBR in 24 hours for 0.01 BNB staked, 9.3 BBR in 24 hours for 1 BNB staked accordingly.

Last updated